Terms in Google AdSense

  • Publisher
Publisher or a publisher's ad is a person or web site owners who are registered or approved by the manager of advertising applications to put AdSense ads on their sites. Publisher of display ads google google adsense publisher called. Previously google adsense publisher should apply first to the new Google Adsense and Google can display ads on their web site after the application is approved. Every google adsense publisher is allowed only one google adsense account, but they are allowed to put google ads on their site that meets all the requirements of google adsense program.
  • Ad Units
The meaning of AdSense Ad Units is advertising itself. Ad Units consist of several types and several sizes. The most common type of ad text. By the time a visitor clicks on this ad unit, then (if legitimate) advertisers will get the revenue in accordance with the CPC values ​​its.
  • Link Units
Link Units similar to Ad Units, except that the format is similar to the format menu that we usually encounter on web sites. What distinguishes the Ad Link Units Units is at the user clicks on these ads, it will then be directed to the search results pages in Google's search engine. The new publisher will earn revenue when visitors click on one ad unit on the page. In practice, Link Units proven to generate more revenue than the regular Ad Units.
  • AdSense for Content
AdSense for Content is the AdSense ads are placed within a page. The ads that appear are ads that relate to the contents page. Or phrase using contextual concept. Ad Units and Link Units are included in this AdSense for Content.
  • Alternate Ads
In the AdSense for Content, advertising does not always appear. Another reason could be because it's the advertising inventory that relates to the content of the site is up or Google can not predict what the actual content of the site. If this happens, by default, shown is a public service ads or commonly known as PSA (Public Service Ads). Because type of donations, so if clicked, the ad does not produce anything for the publisher. To overcome this, Google will allow us to install the Alternate Ads or alternate ads. If Ad Units are made has been set by using Alternate Ads, so if Ad Units can not be performed, which appears is an alternative advertising pre-arranged.
  • Channels
Channels are a kind of label that can be given to the Ad Units, Link Units, AdSense for Search, and Referrals. One ad unit can have more than one label, and vice versa, a label can be used for more than one ad unit. In Google AdSense report page, the report will be grouped by Channels, so it will greatly facilitate the use of Channels publishers to analyze their AdSense performance. Generally, the publisher will give the same name Channels in ad units on one site. If you want more detail, fine to give the name of the Channels are different in each ad unit at each site. Remember, the maximum number of Channels allowed current is 200 channels.
  • Page Impressions
Page Impressions are the number that shows how many times a page that contains the Ad Units opened by visitors. Its value is not affected by the quantity of Ad Units in the relevant pages.Googleplex, Google Headquarters
  • Clicks
Clicks is the number of clicks on a publisher's Ad Units. In the AdSense report page, click the publisher can see the total he had, and based on Ad Units or Channelnya.
  • CTR (Clickthrough Rate)
CTR is the ratio in percent between the number of clicks received by an Ad Units to display the amount of Ad Units. For example, an Ad Units are displayed 40 times and clicked 10 times has a value of 25% CTR (10:40).
  • CPC (Cost Per Click)
CPC is the amount of money to be earned by a specific publisher Ad Units when clicked. CPC values ​​of each Ad Units vary and are determined by many factors, including the performance and quality of the publisher's site. But in general, the maximum value possible is 20% of the value of dynamic bid offered by the advertiser.
  • eCPM (Effective CPM)
eCPM or CPM (Cost Per Million) is the division between the number of publisher revenue by the number of page impressions (per 1,000) which he got from the ads. For example, a publisher who generate USD 200 from 50,000 impressions CPM will have a value of $ 4 ($ 200 divided by 50).

source : wikipedia 
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